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CodeName - Spline


Monday 12th - Friday 23rd April

This week and last week I worked on splining my animation, adding in-betweens, ease in and ease outs.

I also got feedback from Matt during my professional practice session, I initially

had the horse on the left of the animation walking in, however Mat said the character was to distracting and took the audiences attention away from where it should be.

He suggested cutting the character because if a character doesn't have a purpose then it doesn't need to be, which I agree with, however I know that later down the line if I am to continue the animation then I am going to need the character so I decided to cut the walk in and just have the character stood, reacting and that way its not too distracting for the audience and its ready for when I need it.

I also got feedback from Leon, he gave me some advice on slight added movements which I really liked. He also suggested that I push the poses even more using anim layers, I managed to push them a bit more, but the rigs shape starts to morph in weird ways but I'm happy with what I have.

I will be moving on to lip-sync and clean up next week and the week after.

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