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Choose From your 3 ideas


Updated: Nov 25, 2020

Friday 13th November

We have been asked to choose our favourite of the 3 ideas to present to the class next week.

We also have to present a small paragraph summary, a title and answer the 4 questions for our chosen idea.

The idea I have chosen to present is 'Don't be Scared Duckling'

I chose this idea because I felt it was the most well rounded, complete Idea I have and I think the other students would like it.

My answers the the questions are-

Name: Don’t be Scared Duckling

Age: 3-5

Genre: Pre School

Format: Interactive Story book or TV short (5 Minutes)

Style: Sketchy Coloured book style or 2D

The book would be a moving parts book. With flaps and turners to reveal the reality of the spooky goings on.

I wrote my summary the other day but made a couple of tweaks to it as I realised I had a mummy dog when I could go for the alliteration which is good in pre-school learning to help with memory

so changed the Mummy Dog and Duckling to Daddy Dog and Duckling.

So here is my updated Summary -

Baby Duckling cant decide on a Halloween costume. He is to frightened by all the spooky costumes.

And after a scary night of un explained creatures in the window, giant spiders on the ceiling and ghosts at the bottom of the stairs, Daddy Dog gives him a bravery blanket that will protect him from the ghouls and ghosts as they investigate all the spooky goings on, only to discover there was nothing spooky at all and all the monsters were ordinary things.

If it wasn’t for his bravery blanket Duckling would never have been able to find this out and Daddy Dog has an idea. On Halloween night, he dresses him in bright red pants and ties the Blanket around his shoulders. Now he wont be scared of all the other spooky costumes because he’s now a super hero. and can tell his friends of his bravery.

On Monday we are looking at Film Analysis: Structure, Character, Story line so I am really looking looking forward to this and presenting the chosen idea on Wednesday.

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