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Making up for past mistakes


Updated: Jul 12, 2021

Monday 5th - Friday 9th

Insert images of your use of the rule of 3rds, show line of direction used to draw the eye and add draw overs .

This week I began working on the short 'MI6'.

I had previously blocked this short out in the first part of production and I am really glad I did because I have run in to problems which would be taking up a lot of time right now had I not blocked it out earlier.

I found, going in to spline and tidying up the timing at the start of the week, that the sit down is too slow and have spent several hours going back and forth through the animation trying to get the timing right, following my reference, but it kept feeling floaty.

Matt pointed out previously that he felt she should and a heavier landing on the chair. But this wasn't happening in my Reference and I couldn't figure out why, until I realised it was because the chair I used was slightly higher than the table I was leaning on, in my animated scene this wasn't the case. and because of this, in my reference I seemed to glide on to the chair since it was level with my bum.

Realizing this, during final part of this first week of animation I went about trying to artificially create this sense of weight and was failing.

So at today I re recorded my reference, ready to re animate it Monday, making sure to have a more accurate layout that matched my scene, with a lower chair and also played around with the acting a bit more and came up with some nice poses I think I am happy with.

From this I realised how important it is to stage your reference how you imagine the scene to be. I have been roughing it out and then fixing any problems later on, which up until now hasn't caused any major issues. But now I am moving on to more dynamic work with characters moving about in the space I can no longer get away with that and need to pay more attention to detail when it comes to filming my reference and using my layouts. In doing so I won't waist time, re-filming and re-animating it further down the road.

Next week I will start re-blocking this shot using my new reference.

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