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Task - Breakout Week Prompts Continued


Updated: Nov 25, 2020

Monday 9th November

Over the weekend me and Connor discussed our ideas and bounced thoughts and extras off each other which is always very helpful when you're trying to flesh out an idea and I think we helped round off each others stories nicely.

Today I finalized my ideas and am now writing paragraph summaries for each and answering the 5 questions (Name, age, genre, Style and platform).

Pre School - So last week I ended with 3 initial basic ideas for the pre school story. Today I chose one I liked the most to focus on and worked through it a couple of times as they story didn't quite flow enough at first but I eventually found the sweet spot and and think the story has a sweet message and children could relate to it.

I then turned it in to a short summary-

Baby Duckling cant decide on a Halloween costume. He is to frightened by all the spooky costumes.

And after a scary night of un explained creatures in the window, giant spiders on the ceiling and ghosts at the bottom of the stairs, Daddy Dog gives him a bravery blanket that will protect him from the ghouls and ghosts as they investigate all the spooky goings on, only to discover there was nothing spooky at all and all the monsters were ordinary things.

If it wasn’t for his bravery blanket Duckling would never have been able to find this out and Daddy Dog has an idea. On Halloween night, he dresses him in bright red pants and ties the Blanket around his shoulders. Now he wont be scared of all the other spooky costumes because he’s now a super hero. and can tell his friends of his bravery.

Adult/Teen Thriller - Last week for the thriller I left off looking for a twist to make the story more interesting and eventually, after talking through the idea with Connor I eventually had alight bulb moment and decided that the twist would be that the husband who arranged for his pregnant wife to go away to the hotel is the masked murderer and has been the reason she has had miscarriages over the years because he never wanted kids but finally snaps and decides to dispose of his wife once and for all.

and once this idea clicked in to place the story flowed better and felt more like a thriller so i was very happy. I then went on to write the summary -

A husband decides to treat his wife, Nora, to a weekend away, to celebrate her 9 months of pregnancy after multiple miscarriages.

But the hotel is not all it seems.

After her husband mysteriously vanishes and she is locked in her hotel room its quickly becomes clear that this isn't going to be the relaxing get away she had hoped for.

Nora has to navigates a labyrinth of dank, blood soaked rooms which were individually decorated with murderous contraptions like such as gas chamber showers, to try and find her husband while evading the clutches of a masked man

But as she goes in the labour. Her priority is now to escape with he babies life.

She almost reaches the exit when the masked man stands in her way, taking off his mask, revealing the missing husband.

“He begins to monologue about how he hated children and had been slowly poisoning her all these years to cause the miscarriages, he had finally had enough and just wanted it to be over quickly.

Nora, in his rambling grabs a heavy object and knicks him out as she runs through the exit in to the light of the world. Where onlookers called for emergency services.

Fade out as New reports read: ‘miraculous escape from Dudley’ Hotel, now dubbed The Hotel of Horrors, after a husbands confesses to attempted murder of his Wife and un born child.

His brave wife barely escapes with her life and just in time to welcome her healthy baby boy in to the world. And the Dudley hotel is now under investigation for the suspected murders of 58 missing persons……. Fade out.

And finally The Musical. The musical has been an interesting project as I am loving the horror, festive musical combo. I just needed to flesh it out.

I neede to find something that would allow the main character to defeat the villain and initially I had the main character just wish his sister would go away and the he couldn't find anything to defeat Krampus so goes in to the well with his friends to wing it. The story ended up being pretty much that but I added a small Christmas eve present called a wishing star that the boy wishes upon to make his sister be taken. and then I could use the star as a tool to defeat the Krampus and it worked out well.

Summary -

A Christmas wish gone wrong as Harvey wishes on his Santa's magic star that his big sister would go away.

That Christmas eve his sister is dragged to the depths of a well by and entity called The Krampus. A goat like being that takes naughty children.

Harvey has to gather his friends and descend in to the well to bring his sister back.

Along the way they discover cages upon cages of missing children, trapped and kept by the Krampus for being on the naughty list.

While The Krampus is sleeping on his pile of tinsel, Harvey retrieves the keys from his clutches and un locks all the children.

Finally he lets out his drowsy big sister but drops the keys, causing a loud clash, waking the Krampus who charges.

With no other options Harvey stands in the path of the beast to protect his sister, The beast is repelled by the magic star and Harvey realises its Santa's magic that’s its weakness and wishes on his star with all his might that they can go home.

A flash of light and the siblings awake on Christmas day. They look at each other and know it was all real. Relieved they apologise to each other for how they behaved they spend Christmas by each others side, friends once more.

And while they are eating Christmas dinner, A news article fades out he scene announcing that missing children all over the world were found in their beds that Christmas day.

It’s a Christmas Miracle.

I found this project very interesting and it took me out of my comfort zone which was great as I feel I developed some stories I really like and feel I would watch myself which I wouldn't have necessarily have come up with if Gerald hadn't given us these prompts.

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