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Task - Lateral thinking - Story idea production


Updated: Oct 25, 2020

Tuesday 1st October

From the two bridges I produced I chose to write the story with the prompts

Demon, Destiny, Writing, Friday, and sheep.

I began to write and write as the ideas were flowing so I allowed myself to get all the ideas out before going back through the story and taking out ideas that didn't work and tweaking sections to make it flow better.

Once I had the story fleshed out I could begin to go back through it and taking only the sections I needed to produce the summary.

This took several attempts and each time I got the summary smaller, I went through it and stripped it down again until I got to my final summary.

I found the method bridge method of producing ideas very helpful as I have always struggled coming up with stories but since learning this method I have been able to come up with a few with widely varying themes. I hope to use it more in future.

Bellow - Image one is the whole story once it had been through several changes and re write image 2 is the first breakdown pass for the summary and Image 3 is the final summary.

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