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Storyboard Progression


Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Friday 1st January

This week I worked more on developing my storyboard.

I initially began with finished line art and colour, however I noticed how long it was taking to draw up each panel, which I mentioned in last weeks blog because of this I then changed to just sketching in a coloured pencil (digitally) this way I have the basics of the pose that are clear enough to read and I can then draw the final line art over the top in black when the time comes, this has resulted in a faster workflow.

The story has already been cute down but the story board is proving to be a massive undertaking and really shows how large this project is. As I have been making my way through the script I have been cutting small camera angles and changing them for a simpler shot.

Hopefully I have done this effectively enough that the story still reads.

I also drew up a colour chart to show the progression of colour throughout the piece. I want the colours to be mostly grey throughout, with hints of colour when something that will eventually Lead Adam (The main character) to his final destination and salvation.

I have now began to put my work in to a PowerPoint ready for when we present on hand in.

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