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Team Meeting 3/4 -


Updated: Nov 16, 2020

Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th of October

Monday 5th - In Monday's session Jihao, Lucy and I went through our ideas again however two members were unable to attend due to other university work so we re scheduled for Tuesday 6th.

Tuesday 6th - Today we all spoke through our ideas for the business and cast a vote to see which one we would go with.

Three out of Five of the members voted for Jihao's game so this is the one we are perusing.

Jihao's game involves a language learning base integrated in to a spell casting puzzle adv

enture game which the majority of the team find has great potential.

We spoke at length about the potentials for the idea and any plot holes we came across and managed to fix them.

Despite going through a vote, one member of the team doesn't find any interest in this idea so we tried get them more interested by talking through all the concerns they had. We also tried to incorporate theirs and a few others of the ideas in to the game, however in doing so made the idea to broad and muddled and decided to scrap the extra ideas.

We then agreed to meet again on Wednesday 7th to talk through any tasks set in the Lecture.

Jihao and I then proceeded to put together all the points we spoke about and an outline of the game in to PowerPoint ready to present in the lecture.

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